Social sciences
- Education curriculum
- Education systems
- General pedagogical and educational sciences
- Specialist studies in education
- Other pedagogical and educational sciences
Flanders adopted since the first cycle of PISA 2000 part. PISA stands for "OECD Program on International Student Assessment. It examines random and anomien the performance of 15-year-old students in three domains: reading, mathematical and scientific literacy. In the PISA 2009 survey is reading the '' major '' - domain; mathematics and science form the minors. For the first time will read are the major domain of PISA since PISA 2000, which means that to be carried out in-depth trend analysis. PISA 2009 will include an international option for reading electronic texts for the first time. Flanders will participate. ICT skills are indeed necessary in a knowledge society. In addition, participation in this option the opportunity to assess the extent to which the student electronic testing is feasible in Flanders, without any major expense and risk of a '' full survey '' are applicable.