Natural sciences
- Classical physics
- Elementary particle and high energy physics
- Other physical sciences
Since the experimental confirmation of neutrino oscillations, these elusive particles attract more attention than ever. A number of experiments has been set up to find out more about the fascinating properties of neutrinos. A common need of these experiments is a detailed understanding of the interactions of neutrinos with nuclei, as this is an important way to detect them. As neutrinos interact only weakly with matter, obtaining precise information about these reactions is a tedious task. Today, most large-scale neutrino-nucleus experiments use Carbon as target nucleus. Notwithstanding the merits and successes of Carbon as detection material, its potential for precision studies of neutrino-nucleus interactions is limited. Part of the limitations seen in Carbon-based detectors can be met using Argon as detection material. Liquid Argon detectors combine a high precision in particle identification and energy resolution with efficient background rejection, enhancing the performance of a neutrino detector. The growing popularity of liquid Argon as a detection material increases the need for theoretical studies of the neutrino-Argon cross section. With this project, we aim at providing detailed microscopic calculations for neutrino-Argon cross sections over a broad energy range, and for different interaction types, so as to facilitate the interpretation of running and upcoming experiments and obtain a better understanding of the response of the nuclear many-body system to weak interactions probes.