
The best interest of the unborn child? Rights and reflections.

01 October 2021 → 31 December 2027
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • History of education
    • Philosophy of education
    • Family studies
parenting children's rights childhood
Project description

One of the most important findings of my previous research projects is the contemporary focus on early and effective interventions in the parent-child relationshiop in order to protect the child. The 'best interest of the child' is often central to the discussion on why, how and in what way an intervention is legitimate. This concept of 'the best interest' has many interpretation and is therefore a central topic in a lot of research. However, current research focusses solely on the child from the moment of birth even though many present-day etical pedagogical discussions include the prenatal phase. in issues such as abortion, suregacy, (anonymous) spermdonors, discrete or anonymous delivery, multiple parenthood, early custodial placement, etc.  Research - wise, we know very little about the position, status and rights of the unborn child and by extensions about the impact of early interventions on the parent-child relationship and the rights of the parents.  In this study we therefore focus on the quest for the (best) interest of the unborn child.