
The electrical grid: a thrilling web

Het elektrisch net
01 October 2013 → 30 September 2015
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Electrical energy production and distribution
    • Electrical machines and transformers
    • Renewable power and energy systems engineering
renewable energy sources electrical power systems
Project description

Not a day goes by we read ominous reports of an impending blackout (or power failure), the impact on our energy and the role of renewable energy (sources). Through these discussions are increasing clarity and interpretation on the subject is essential. In the transition to a sustainable energy decentralized energy systems are an important prerequisite in our future (sustainable) energy. The existing electricity infrastructure as we know it must indeed be transformed into a smart grid. This' intelligent energy networks facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources, eg. Solar, wind or heat, and the corresponding two-way electricity (from the producer to the consumer and vice versa). On the basis of an interactive workshop, and by means of a detailed model of the basic principles of electrical grids will be explained and demonstrated. The model consists of four parts (central generation and transmission level, neighborhood or street level, home and business level and corporate level park) and, through practical hands-on assignments familiarize the participants through the exciting world of the electric grid. The workshop is aimed at students in the 3rd grade technical secondary education (TSO) and their teachers.