
UOS cofinancing and awareness initiatives in 2014

01 January 2012 → 31 December 2016
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Economic development, innovation, technological change and growth
Millennium Development Goals
Project description

This awareness initiative was initiated by the Commission of Cooperation with Ghent University promoter Dr. Dirk De Craemer, Head of Research Coordination. 5 sensitizing events to be held are bundled to AUGent under one heading: '' Time is running! 5 times the MDGs under the microscope. ' For the events that require more capacity and financial resources, such as the University of Ghent, and the three co-association partners in from their own resources. Each event in itself has its own goals and expectations, but the main aim is knowledge transfer and exchange of experiences with experts from the South and the North under the main heading of the Millennium Development Goals under the microscope. Since the four association partners working together for three years in a row closely in organizing awareness-raising initiatives, we can also ensure this year that all wide association will continue.