
AI/CS barometer

01 January 2021 → 31 December 2021
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Innovation, research and development, technological change, intellectual property rights
    • Business information management
    • Innovation and technology management
Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity
Project description

The AI/CS-barometer intends to map aspect of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cybersecurity (CS) in companies in Falanders, in particular (1) the use and expertise in AI, en (2) the awareness, attitude, and approach of  CS.  It is conducted at the request of the Flemish government.

First, a measurement tool (survye instrument) will be developed tha can be used periodically.

In order to obtain a representative response, a random stratified sample of 10.000 companies will be contacted. Contact information will be looked up in various data sources. 

The survey wil be launched via e-mail. Reminders will be sent via e-mail and via telephone. 

The data wil be cleaned an a report wil be written.

The data will be collected and maanged in accordance with the GDPR.

The project is a collaboration between:

(1) The previous Steunpunt Economie en Ondernemen (STORE).  

(2) imec-mict-UGent

(3) imec-EDiT