
Develop and apply a methodology for determining the amount of groundwater that can be extracted in a sustainable way (quota) from a groundwater body

01 December 2009 → 28 February 2012
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Soil sciences, challenges and pollution
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agriculture, land and farm management
groundwater extraction
Project description

The task is to develop a method that can be deduced how much groundwater in a sustainable manner can be extracted (quota) of a body, or part of it, so that the objectives of the WFD (Water Framework Directive) are met. The Scheldt river basin management and Maas (public inquiry) report in their action programs that the various bodies (which are in poor quantitative status) groundwater quotas will be determined. However, a method for the preparation of this quota has not been captured. A detailed description of possible methods should be established (literature). The Flanders best available method should be developed with due attention to flexibility and scale dependence of the method. In order to evaluate the method should they be applied to two bodies which are calculated quotas for the different spatial scales. In this way, it can be deduced on the manner in which to deal with the quotas. Guidelines regarding the use of quotas must be made. A sensitivity analysis of certain socio-economic conditions, such as the maximum allowable reduction in a specific area should also be carried out. In developing the method, the objectives of the Water Framework Directive (Article 4 and Annex 5) Groundwater be considered absolute precondition. The contract includes four assignments: Part Task 1: Drafting the methodology; Part Task 2: Applying the method on two bodies; Part Task 3: Sensitivity analysis of the socio-economic conditions calculated for the two bodies; Part Task 4: Final report and non-technical summary.