
Implementation of population screening for breast, cervical end colorectal cancer - year 2023

01 January 2023 → 31 December 2023
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Health promotion and policy
    • Preventive medicine
population screening cancer
Project description

A population-based screening is a systematic offer of screening to a population group with predetermined common characteristics. For example, it may involve women and/or men belonging to a certain age group. Population screening involves screening for a disease (e.g. breast cancer) or a precursor of a disease (e.g. colon polyps) or for a health risk (e.g. an unhealthy lifestyle), without any health complaints related to the disease, precursor or risk in question.
It involves site operation for conducting the
- Population screening for colorectal cancer
- Population screening Cervical cancer
- Breast cancer screening