01-01-2020 → Lopend
Promotor woordvoerder
Overige informatie
Natural sciences
- Conservation and biodiversity
- Environmental education and extension
Social sciences
- Economic development
- Political inequality
- Local and urban politics
- Geography of mobility and transportation
- Human geography not elsewhere classified
- Urban sociology and community studies
- Environment policy
- Public administration
- Research, science and technology policy
- Policy and administration not elsewhere classified
- Social movements and collective action
- Social work not elsewhere classified
Medical and health sciences
- Intensive care and emergency medicine not elsewhere classified
- Public health care not elsewhere classified
Engineering and technology
- Energy in buildings and built environments
- Environmental and sustainable planning
- Urban and regional design
- Urban and regional development
- Urban and regional planning policy, instruments and legislation
- Urban and regional design, development and planning not elsewhere classified
- Water resources management
Agricultural and food sciences
- Sustainable agriculture
De Stadsacademie focust op sociaal-ecologische problemen van de Stad Gent en de Universiteit Gent. Academici, studenten, beleidsmakers, middenveldorganisaties, etc. werken samen binnen inter- en transdisciplinaire onderzoeksprocessen aan probleemdefinities en mogelijke oplossingen, (living lab) experimenten en opschalingsinitiatieven, (beleids)rapporten en wetenschappelijke artikelen. Ons theoretisch en analytisch kader integreert sociaal-ruimtelijke, politiek-bestuurlijke, socio-technische en economische perspectieven.