01-01-2018 → 31-12-2022

Health Tech & Pharma
Promotor woordvoerder
Business developer
Natural sciences
- Artificial intelligence not elsewhere classified
- Proteins
Medical and health sciences
- Protein diagnostics
- Proteins
- Protein diagnostics
- Proteins
- Protein diagnostics
- Proteins
Engineering and technology
- Medical molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
Proteomics & biofarmaceutische eiwitproductie en delivery-technologieën.
Protein Technologies Ghent is a consortium of research groups from UGent and VIB, each with a long-standing reputation of expertise in their respective fields.
Centered around facilitating biopharmaceutical moiety discovery and development, the consortium integrates the assembled know-how from its members to accelerate the process of developing novel therapies against e.g. viral infections, microbial antibiotics resistance and cancer.
These efforts inherently go hand-in-hand with the development of new supporting technologies.
The consortium aims to grant access to these high-end solutions for other public institutions and the biotech & pharma-industry in Belgium and beyond.
We do this by investing actively in the development of these assets into products that live up to industry-standards and subsequently offering integrated services to our network, or out-licensing the technology overall.