Research Unit

Ghent Centre for Afrikaans and the Study of South Africa

19 April 2019 → Ongoing
Group leader
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Research disciplines
  • Humanities
    • African languages
    • African literature
Art History Interculturalism Language technology Linguistics Literary studies Theatre and performing arts 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century 20th Century Contemporary Africa Belgium Western Europe African languages Dutch English Sign language Comparative Field research Geographic and map based Iconography and analysis of images Language and text analysis Quantitative Surveys
The aim of the Ghent Centre for Afrikaans and the Study of South Africa (AFRIKAANS) is to coordinate the research activities with regard to linguistics and literature of the Afrikaans language. It brings together all researchers of the faculty with aninterest in Afrikaans, the other languages of South Africa and the linguistic and societal situation in South Africa. Its members belong to the departments of Linguistics, Literary Studies, Languages and Cultures, Art, Music and Theatre Sciences, History and Translation, Interpreting and Communication. A vast number of associated members belong to universities all over the world.