01 February 2020 → 01 February 2024
Group leader
Research disciplines
Natural sciences
- Remote sensing
- Environmental impact and risk assessment
- Environmental management
- Environmental monitoring
Engineering and technology
- Geospatial information systems
Agricultural and food sciences
- Forestry sciences not elsewhere classified
The Remote Sensing - Spatial Analysis lab is part of the Department of Environment, and member of the Natural Capital research platform of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at Ghent University, Belgium. REMOSA evolved from the former FORSIT lab and focuses on research and education in the domain of remote sensing and geospatial analysis. By integrating methods and techniques from both disciplines, REMOSA tries to gain systemic insight into complex spatial phenomena and their impact on environment and society. REMOSA designs generic image analysis techniques and integrated workflows to convert complex geospatial data (remote sensing data) into policy-relevant information. By introducing concepts of visual perception into image analysis, REMOSA strives for geo-intelligence. The multi-scale/multi-sensor/multi-platform approach is of great importance. REMOSA processes images recorded by a wide range of sensors (multi-spectral, hyperspectral, thermal, RADAR, LiDAR) and from different platforms (mounting platforms, UAV, air and space platforms). Based on this approach, REMOSA conducts demand-driven research within a wide range of socially relevant applications concerning landscape and urban analysis, environmental integrity, human and animal health, food security, disaster risk reduction, and climate adaptation - all aiming at a sustainable future.