19-04-2019 → Lopend
Agricultural and food sciences
- Agricultural animal welfare
- Agricultural animal husbandry
- Agricultural animal nutrition
- Agricultural animal production not elsewhere classified
- Agricultural plant protection
- Agrochemistry and fertilisers
- Crop science
- Agricultural plant production not elsewhere classified
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural hydrology
- Agricultural land management and planning
- Agricultural spatial analysis and modelling
- Agricultural systems analysis and modelling
- Agricultural technology
- Farm and rural management
- Sustainable agriculture
- Agriculture, land and farm management not elsewhere classified
- Agricultural animal breeding and biotechnology
- Agricultural plant breeding and biotechnology
- Animal health engineering
- Fisheries breeding and biotechnology
- Forestry breeding and biotechnology
- Biotechnology for agricultural, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences not elsewhere classified
- Aquaculture
- Post-harvest fisheries technologies
- Sustainable fishery management
- Fisheries sicences not elsewhere classified
- Agrofood mechatronics
- Food and additive engineering
- Food chemistry and molecular gastronomy
- Food fermentation
- Food microbiology
- Food packaging, preservation and safety
- Food physics
- Food sensory sciences
- Food technology
- Post harvest technologies of plants, animals and fish (incl. transportation and storage)
- Food sciences and (bio)technology not elsewhere classified
- Forest protection
- Forestry management and modelling
- Silviculture and agroforestry
- Wood and forest biomass processing
- Forestry sciences not elsewhere classified
- Horticultural crop production
- Horticultural crop protection
- Horticultural production not elsewhere classified
- Other agriculture, forestry, fisheries and allied sciences not elsewhere classified
- Animal health engineering
- Laboratory animal medicine
- Veterinary anaesthesiology, analgesia, and intensive care
- Veterinary anatomy, morphology and (clinical) pathology
- Veterinary conservation medicine, preventive medicine and hygiene
- Veterinary embryology
- Veterinary epidemiology
- Veterinary ethics and ethology
- Veterinary genetics
- Veterinary herd health management
- Veterinary immunology
- Veterinary internal medicine and pathophysiology
- Veterinary law and legislation
- Veterinary medical imaging
- Veterinary microbiology
- Veterinary neurology
- Veterinary nutrition
- Veterinary oncology
- Veterinary ophthalmology
- Veterinary pharmacology and toxicology
- Veterinary physiology, pathophysiology and biochemistry
- Veterinary public health and food safety
- Veterinary reproduction and obstetrics
- Veterinary surgery
- Zoological medicine
- Veterinary medicine not elsewhere classified
- Other veterinary sciences not elsewhere classified
- Agricultural and food sciences not elsewhere classified
Over de hele wereld zijn consumenten dol op Belgische chocolade. Hun superieure kwaliteit en de smaak is gebaseerd op de vaardigheden, het vakmanschap en de toewijding van hun producenten. Dit heeft onderzoekers van de Universiteit Gent te verkennen van de wonderen van chocolade wetenschappelijk geïnspireerd. In de afgelopen decennia, ze hebben een wetenschappelijke expertise opgebouwd en een analytische toolbox voor chocolade-onderzoek hebben ontwikkeld. Dit alles heeft geresulteerd in 2012 bij de oprichting van de UGent spin-off Cacaolab bvba, een unieke kleinschalige experimentele chocolade en vullingen productiefaciliteit. Fundamentele kennis gecombineerd met een sterk partnerschap met de industrie, Cacaolab heeft tot doel om innovatieve chocolade producten en processen te creëren en het stimuleren van het exportpotentieel van chocoladeproducenten.