01-09-2016 → Lopend
Natural sciences
- Analytical separation and detection techniques
- Analytical spectrometry
- Chemical aspects of sensor technology
- Chemometrics
- Electrochemical methods
- Instrumental methods
- Spectroscopic methods
- Structural analysis
- Thermal analysis
- Analytical chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Bioinorganic chemistry
- Cluster compound chemistry
- Coordination chemistry
- f-block chemistry
- Main group chemistry
- Non-metal chemistry
- Organometallic chemistry
- Solid state chemistry
- Transition metal chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Chemical characterisation of materials
- Nanochemistry
- Optical properties of materials
- Physical chemistry of materials
- Solid state and soft matter chemistry
- Supramolecular chemistry
- Synthesis of materials
- Theory and design of materials
- Macromolecular and materials chemistry not elsewhere classified
- (Bio)molecular modelling and design
- Characterisation of biologically active (macro)molecules
- Medicinal and biomolecular chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Bio-organic chemistry
- Free radical chemistry
- Natural products chemistry
- Organic chemical synthesis
- Physical organic chemistry
- Organic chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Chemical crystallography
- Chemical thermodynamics and energetics
- Chemistry of clusters, colloids and nanomaterials
- Chemistry of plasmas
- Electrochemistry
- Solution chemistry
- Surface and interface chemistry
- Transport properties and non-equilibrium processes
- Physical chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Catalysis
- Flow chemistry
- Inorganic green chemistry
- Organic green chemistry
- Photochemistry
- Sustainable chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Cheminformatics
- Quantum chemistry
- Radiation and matter
- Statistical mechanics in chemistry
- Theoretical and computational chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Biogeochemical cycli
- Food chemistry
- Forensic chemistry
- Industrial chemistry
- Nuclear chemistry
- Reaction kinetics and dynamics
- Other chemical sciences not elsewhere classified
Engineering and technology
- Biocatalysis
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Homogeneous catalysis
- Reacting systems
- Catalysis and reacting systems engineering not elsewhere classified
- Particle design and technology
- Chemical product design and formulation not elsewhere classified
- Chemical kinetics and thermodynamics
- Modelling, simulation and optimisation
- General chemical and biochemical engineering not elsewhere classified
- (Bio)chemical reactors
- Chemical process design
- Intensification
- Polymer reaction engineering
- Powder and particle technology
- Process control
- Process engineering not elsewhere classified
- Membrane technologies
- Separation technologies
- Separation and membrane technologies not elsewhere classified
- (Waste)water treatment processes
- Air pollution and control
- Carbon capture engineering
- Recycling
- Sustainable and environmental engineering not elsewhere classified
- (Multiphase) flow
- Heat and mass transfer
- Microfluidics/flow chemistry
- Rheology
- Transport phenomena not elsewhere classified
- Other (bio)chemical engineering not elsewhere classified
- Sustainable development
- Environmental engineering and biotechnology not elsewhere classified
- Algae biotechnology
- Biocatalysis and enzyme technology
- Bioprocessing, bioproduction and bioproducts
- Fermentation
- Industrial biotechnology diagnostics
- Industrial microbiology
- Industrial molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
- Industrial biotechnology not elsewhere classified
- Other biotechnology, bio-engineering and biosystem engineering not elsewhere classified
Universiteit Gent kent een lange chemische traditie met onderzoeksactiviteiten die verspreid zijn over drie faculteiten, namelijk de Faculteit Wetenschappen, de Faculteit Bio-Ingenieurswetenschappen en de Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur. Het Centrum voor Duurzame Chemie is een koepelorganisatie die volledig ondersteund wordt door deze drie faculteiten en die wil inspelen op de invoering van SusChem als het Europese Technologieplatform voor Duurzame Chemie op Europees niveau. De invoering van het innovatieclusterbeleid op Vlaams niveau heeft recent ook geleid tot de oprichting van Catalisti als de speerpuntcluster van Chemie en Kunststoffen.