Lezing, toelichting, introductie, rondleiding
Atelier with The Music Paint Machine at TAJO (Talentatelier voor jongeren Gent)
Invited keynote at ArtEZ Hogeschool (Enschede): Interactive technologies in music education
Invited lecture on embodiment in instrumental music learning
Invited lecture on embodiment in instrumental music learning @ KASK
Invited lecture on embodiment in musical interaction
Invited workshop/lecture Movement in practicing your instrument
Workshop on kinemusical improvisation
Lidmaatschap intern (werkgroep, commissie, raad)
Member of GP2R: Board Pre- & Postdocs
Organiser of the IPEM Think Tanks
Peer review, refereeschap
Associate Editor (Europe, Middle East) for the International Journal of Music in Early Childhood (IJMEC)