Current Position(s)
IMEC Postdoctoral researcher
Professor emeritus/a
Research disciplines
Engineering and technology
- Electronic circuit and system reliability
- Electronics not elsewhere classified
- Biosensors
- Photodetectors, optical sensors and solar cells
- Smart sensors
- Sensors, biosensors and smart sensors not elsewhere classified
- Other electrical and electronic engineering not elsewhere classified
- Microfabrication and manufacturing
- Biomedical instrumentation
- Biomedical signal processing
- Human health engineering
- Biological system engineering not elsewhere classified
- Cell engineering
- Organ engineering
- Tissue engineering
- Biomaterials engineering not elsewhere classified
- Biofluid mechanics
- Molecular and cellular biomechanics
- Rehabilitation engineering
- System and whole body biomechanics
- Tissue and organ biomechanics
- Biomechanical engineering not elsewehere classified
- Other (bio)medical engineering not elsewhere classified
heterogeneous integration
interconnection technology
stretchable circuits
biodegradable circuits