Current Position(s)
Research unit(s)
Research disciplines
Engineering and technology
- Modelling, simulation and optimisation
- (Bio)chemical reactors
- Chemical process design
- Process control
- (Waste)water treatment processes
- Heat and mass transfer
- Environmental engineering design
- Environmental engineering modelling
- Environmental technologies
biological wastewater treatment
anaerobic digestion
Data analysis
resource recovery
biological nitrogen removal
Eveline Volcke is a full Professor at Ghent University, leading the BioCo research group. Eveline’s interdisciplinary research expertise can best be described as process engineering for biological wastewater treatment and resource recovery processes. She aims at process optimization through physical-based modelling and simulation, data treatment techniques and experimental studies.
With her BioCo group and through international collaborations, Eveline has provided major insights concerning greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment, innovative nitrogen removal, granular sludge reactors and data evaluation. She co-authored more than 100 publications in journals listed in ISI Web of Science.
Eveline is a Fellow of the International Water Association (IWA).