19 April 2019 → Ongoing
Application area

Engineering, Energy & Materials
Business developer
Research disciplines
Natural sciences
- Analytical separation and detection techniques
- Analytical spectrometry
- Chemical aspects of sensor technology
- Electrochemical methods
- Instrumental methods
- Spectroscopic methods
- Structural analysis
- Thermal analysis
- Analytical chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Bioinorganic chemistry
- Cluster compound chemistry
- Coordination chemistry
- f-block chemistry
- Main group chemistry
- Non-metal chemistry
- Organometallic chemistry
- Solid state chemistry
- Transition metal chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Chemical characterisation of materials
- Nanochemistry
- Optical properties of materials
- Physical chemistry of materials
- Solid state and soft matter chemistry
- Supramolecular chemistry
- Synthesis of materials
- Theory and design of materials
- Macromolecular and materials chemistry not elsewhere classified
- (Bio)molecular modelling and design
- Characterisation of biologically active (macro)molecules
- Medicinal and biomolecular chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Bio-organic chemistry
- Free radical chemistry
- Natural products chemistry
- Organic chemical synthesis
- Physical organic chemistry
- Organic chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Chemical crystallography
- Chemical thermodynamics and energetics
- Chemistry of clusters, colloids and nanomaterials
- Chemistry of plasmas
- Electrochemistry
- Solution chemistry
- Surface and interface chemistry
- Transport properties and non-equilibrium processes
- Physical chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Catalysis
- Flow chemistry
- Inorganic green chemistry
- Organic green chemistry
- Photochemistry
- Sustainable chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Cheminformatics
- Quantum chemistry
- Radiation and matter
- Statistical mechanics in chemistry
- Theoretical and computational chemistry not elsewhere classified
- Biogeochemical cycli
- Food chemistry
- Forensic chemistry
- Industrial chemistry
- Nuclear chemistry
- Reaction kinetics and dynamics
- Other chemical sciences not elsewhere classified
Engineering and technology
- Biocatalysis
- Heterogeneous catalysis
- Homogeneous catalysis
- Reacting systems
- Catalysis and reacting systems engineering not elsewhere classified
- Particle design and technology
- Chemical product design and formulation not elsewhere classified
- Chemical kinetics and thermodynamics
- Modelling, simulation and optimisation
- General chemical and biochemical engineering not elsewhere classified
- (Bio)chemical reactors
- Chemical process design
- Intensification
- Polymer reaction engineering
- Powder and particle technology
- Process control
- Process engineering not elsewhere classified
- Membrane technologies
- Separation technologies
- Separation and membrane technologies not elsewhere classified
- (Waste)water treatment processes
- Air pollution and control
- Carbon capture engineering
- Recycling
- Sustainable and environmental engineering not elsewhere classified
- (Multiphase) flow
- Heat and mass transfer
- Microfluidics/flow chemistry
- Rheology
- Transport phenomena not elsewhere classified
- Other (bio)chemical engineering not elsewhere classified
- Sustainable development
- Environmental engineering and biotechnology not elsewhere classified
- Algae biotechnology
- Biocatalysis and enzyme technology
- Bioprocessing, bioproduction and bioproducts
- Fermentation
- Industrial biotechnology diagnostics
- Industrial microbiology
- Industrial molecular engineering of nucleic acids and proteins
- Industrial biotechnology not elsewhere classified
- Other biotechnology, bio-engineering and biosystem engineering not elsewhere classified
CleanChem is a business development center facilitating industrial adoption of innovative, high-level research towards sustainable chemical technologies.