Humanities and the arts
- Archaeology of Europe, the Mediterranean and the Levant
- Classical archaeology
- Economic archaeology
- Landscape archaeology
- Settlement archaeology
Over the past 3 decades, the applicant has done extensive research on settlements in the Greek, Phoenician-Punic and Etruscan worlds and published extensively on it: Carthage (Tunisia), Bidnija (Malta), Naxos (Sicily), Pithekoussai (Italy), La Castellina (Italy), Thorikos (Greece), Butrint (Albania). Such a broad view of Mediterranean settlements is rare and offers a unique opportunity to recognize common elements (cf. 2 contributions: Archäologische Stadtforschung. II. Die griechische und punische Welt, in: H.A. Mieg/C. Heil (eds.), Stadt. Ein Interdisziplinärisches Handbuch, Stuttgart/Weimar, 2013, 164-173; Residential Architecture, in: C. López-Ruiz/B.R. Doak (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean, New York, 2019, 435-452). This project examines cases from these three broad cultural areas for elements of domestic life that they may may either have in common or that are culture- and region-specific.