
FunBat: Tritrophic interactions among FUNgi, flies, and BATs: systematics, taxonomy, and community ecology

01 October 2023 → 30 September 2026
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Community ecology
    • Molecular evolution
    • Phylogeny and comparative analysis
    • Speciation
Ectoparasites Multitrophic interactions Species delimitation
Project description

This is a story across multiple trophic levels: bats are host to bloodsucking flies that in turn serve as hosts for minute ectoparasitic fungi, the Laboulbeniales. Laboulbeniales fungi are obscure, microscopic ectoparasites, and have been traditionally understudied by the mycological community. With this project, moving forward from a previous FWO-funded fellowship, we propose to exploit the TriTrophic Traits (3T) database consisting of metadata from standardized multi-year, multi-site fieldwork that involves capturing, processing, and screening bats for ectoparasites. All bat-, bat fly-, and fungus-related traits are entered in the database, as well as locality data. Based on this database, which we will keep expanding during this project, we aim to (1) resolve the systematic position of the different fungal taxa associated with bat flies, (2) continue to describe species of bat fly-associated fungi using an integrated taxonomy approach, and (3) demonstrate if and how selected biotic and abiotic factors affect either level of this multitrophic network. By illustrating the importance of standardized monitoring and building well-curated databases, our work will set a prime example for future community ecology studies of any multitrophic network.