
The experimental interpreting lab. A state-of-the-art interpreting lab for collaborative research on interpreting and translation

01 May 2018 → 30 April 2022
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Literary studies
    • Theory and methodology of language studies
Project description

Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication (DTIC) at Ghent University by transforming old interpreting infrastructure (conference room, interpreting booths) into a fully fledged state-of-the-art experimental interpreting lab, allowing both research and teaching. It includes interpreting facilities as installed in regular conference rooms, so as to allow the subjects of interpreting experiments to work in familiar circumstances; multi-track synchronic audio-recording of sources speeches and booth output to study interpreter performance and the effect of source features including temporal features such as Ear-Voice-Span, pauses, etc.; mobile eye-tracking device (incl. pupillometry, galvanic skin response and facial expression recognition) in order to be able to study cognitive load during interpreting in an interpreter-friendly environment; video-facilities in the conference room and in the booths, including video-conferencing to study interpreter non-verbal behaviour during performances and the effects of speakers non-verbal behaviour and remoteness of the source; booth PCs and screens to be able to present interpreters with in situ technological support: e.g. (source) speech-to-text technology and to record translation data during triangulation experiments with translators; software allowing the researcher(s) to remotely control all booth features.