Natural sciences
- Machine learning and decision making
- Neural, evolutionary and fuzzy computation
Engineering and technology
- Analogue and digital signal processing
Today, people who speak different languages can largely understand each other thanks to speech recognition and translation functionality, both powered by AI. For the communication between hearing people and sign language users, such technology is not available.
In the free online dictionary "Flemisch Sign Language - Dutch" (woordenboek.vlaamsegebarentaal.be) everyone can look up the signs that correspond to a Dutch word. In this project, and thanks to the help of citizen volunteers, The Flemish Sign Language Centre (VGTC) and Ghent University (UGent-IDLab) will develop technology that enables looking up the meaning of a Flemish Sign Language sign you record with your webcam.
At the end of the project, our model will be incorporated in the online dictionary so it is free for everyone to use. This way we collaborate to improve inclusion and a better communication between hearing and deaf or hard of hearing people, at work or in private life.