
Doctoral project Giacomo Bucci

09 November 2020 → 21 September 2025 (Ongoing)
Doctoral researcher
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Contrastive linguistics
    • Corpus linguistics
    • Diachronic linguistics
    • Historical linguistics
    • Linguistic typology
    • Syntax
language change diachronic typology
Project description

The project aims to determine the origins and diachronic development of “genitive of negation” (GenNeg) in Germanic, and to evaluate its relationship with GenNeg as found in Balto-Slavic and Balto-Finnic languages from a historical, and typological viewpoint. GenNeg is a morphosyntactic phenomenon whereby the argument (subject/direct object) of a verb is assigned the genitive/partitive case under negation. This phenomenon is particularly widespread in the Balto-Slavic group and in Balto-Finnic languages. Several historical Germanic languages present cases of GenNeg as well. These cases, however, have received little to no attention in linguistic research to date. The current project aims to reconstruct how GenNeg became a grammatical rule in Germanic. Furthermore, the project will investigate the typological affiliations of early Germanic GenNeg.