
Study of the interactions between the Hepatitis C virus and the host "in vitro" en "in vivo"

01 January 2007 → 31 October 2011
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Immunology
    • Immunology
    • Microbiology
    • Immunology
NS3 interferon signalling T lymphocyte gene expression arrays hepatitis C virus HCV cell entry B lymphocyte innate immune system neutralising antibodies monoclonal antibodies
Project description

This proposal aims at a better understanding of the interacties between the hepatitis C virus and the human host starting with "viral entry", early innate responses, the interferon signalling pathway, human Band T cell responses to structural and non-structural proteins of HCV. A variety of analytical tools will be used in addition to the chimeric mouse model for the study of HCV infection that has been developed recently by our research team.