
Subjective well-being. Understanding of differences in subjective well-being: a description and explanation of difference sin subjective well-being in West-European welfare states

01 September 2012 → 31 August 2014
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Applied sociology
    • Policy and administration
    • Social psychology
    • Social stratification
    • Social theory and sociological methods
    • Sociology of life course, family and health
    • Other sociology
    • Other sociology
    • Other anthropology
subjective well-being social trust well-being strategies education West-European welfare states
Project description

The project's general aim is to contribute to a sociological understanding of differences in individuals' subjective well-being within the general population of West-European welfare staes, by describing, explaining and predicting well-being on the basis of several sociological theories that social trust, well-being strategies en contextual charactersitics of welfare states. We analayse the available survey data using multivariate and multilevel regression methods.