Medical and health sciences
- Laboratory medicine
- Palliative care and end-of-life care
- Regenerative medicine
- Other basic sciences
- Laboratory medicine
- Palliative care and end-of-life care
- Regenerative medicine
- Other clinical sciences
- Other health sciences
- Nursing
- Other paramedical sciences
- Laboratory medicine
- Palliative care and end-of-life care
- Regenerative medicine
- Other translational sciences
- Other medical and health sciences
To overcome these disadvantages of CART cells, we will investigate whether we can create these cells CART starting from a standardized product because cord blood from an accredited cord blood bank. Cord Blood Banks around the world subject to strict quality and can deliver this high-quality material for use in patients. From such an umbilical cord blood, which is pre-matched with the patient for HLA or tissue antigens, we will isolate the stem cells. This will be used to CART cells. In the laboratory, we have been able to demonstrate that we can produce large quantities CART cells in this way. This method of working moreover has the advantage that it CART cells, even though they are not of the patient's self, the patient will not attack, and a Graft versus Host Reaction trigger. These cells, since they are made from stem cells, are tolerant. Moreover, these cells CART will disappear after a while due to the fact that they are foreign to the body, so the effects are limited in time. The research will investigate whether CART cells can be generated from cord blood stem cells are more effective than the blood of the patient. This pro equally be carried out in a mouse model in which human leukemic cells. be introduced together with the CART cells. It is determined whether the CART cells are able to kill the human leukemic cells in this mouse. If this research is successful, it will make it possible CART cells from one cord blood unit, selected from one of the banks around the world, and this will be made in a standard way so that there is less variability in the response to patients and therefore possible to induce 100% of the patients healing.