
JLS / 2008 / DAP3 / OG / 1006

01 January 2009 → 31 December 2009
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Endocrinology and metabolic diseases
    • Gynaecology and obstetrics
    • Endocrinology and metabolic diseases
    • Gynaecology and obstetrics
    • Nursing
    • Endocrinology and metabolic diseases
    • Gynaecology and obstetrics
sexual and gender based violence
Project description

Activities of SGBV Team in ICRH during 2009, fo which financial assistance is required:
1. Harmful traditional practices:
ICRH aims at organising an international course on harmful traditional practices. The focus of this course will be on harmful traditional practices from a human rights and gender perspective, and the consequences on the sexual and reproductive health of women and men.
2. Female genital mutilation
Fundraising for and organisation of conference at European level on a) Compulsory gynecological screening of underaged girls as a means to enforce existing criminal laws on female genital mutilation (FGM) in Europe. b) Reconstructive surgery after FGM: c) Ethical/legal debate on reinfibulation, medicalisation of FGM, symbolic incisions and cosmetic vaginal surgery vs female genital mutilation.
3. Sexual violence
Prevention of sexual violence in Reception and Asylum Sector: Based on a Knwoledge, Attitude and Practice Study and on the evaluation of the "Prevention Diary", an in-service training manual will be developed in the framework of a Daphne III Action Grant
4. Sexual and Gender Based Violence Team of the International Centre for Reproductive Health (SGBV Team)
The SGBV Team performs research on a variety of topics within the field of sexual and gender based violence; violence in pregnancy, violence in conflict and post-conflict situations, hounour related violence, harmful traditional practices, sexual and gender based violence against asylum seekers, refugees; and undocumented migrants. For all these topics, qualitative research methods are used such as interviews and focus group discussions.