
MOoiZO!? A digital platform designed to improve the oral health of the orthodontic patient

01 January 2021 → 31 March 2022
Regional and community funding: Industrial Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Communications technology not elsewhere classified
orthodontics Oral health digital platform artifical intelligence
Project description

The goal of MOoiZO!? is to create a digital platform based on artificial intelligence to improve the brushing behavior of adolescents under orthodontic treatment. For these kind of patients, a correct brushing technique seems to be very important, though it is currently only followed up during the consultations at the specialist. By using the MOoiZO!? application, one will be able to upload three pictures of the teeth (taken with a smartphone) on a weekly base, which will be analyzed using artificial intelligence (AI) and scored for plaque formation, gingivitis (infection of the gingiva) and presence of white spots (precursor of caries). Based on these scores, users will get personalized feedback, enabling them to brush in a more correct way and to maintain their oral health during the orthodontic treatment. By introducing this application, the oral health specialist (orthodontist, dentist or oral hygienist) will not lose time by explaining correct brushing behaviors to the patients over and over again (i.e. specialist will be able to see more patients per hour). Moreover, the MOoiZO!? application perfectly fits in the current tendency to invest in teleconsultations as part of the healthcare pathway. Moreover, it could result in a more efficient treatment of the orthodontic patient as the use of the app will lead to a decrease in the number of progression-inhibiting oral health issues. As such, MOoiZO!? could be of major interest as a tool to assist both the oral health specialist and the patient.