Natural sciences
- Coordination chemistry
- Transition metal chemistry
Due to specific circumstances, which contributed to the fact that I have been at home with a burnout for more than a year, I have been forced to reorient my research field from the coordination chemistry of light-emitting (lanthanide-containing) materials to the coordination chemistry of energetic materials. This means that during the coming years I will still contribute to the supervision of two PhD students who are still working on the first topic, but in the meantime I will already be working on the reorientation towards the second topic. To this end, I will also perform a sabbatical at the Royal Military School in semester 2 of academic year 2024-2025 (February through August 2025). More specifically, my research will deal with developing energetic materials that are less harmful to the environment than those currently used, which are often lead-based (lead azide, lead styphnate).