
Raw materials for lightweight mobility: body and chassis

LightBody 2018
01 January 2018 → 31 December 2018
European funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Inorganic chemistry
    • Organic chemistry
    • Theoretical and computational chemistry
    • Other chemical sciences
lightweight mobility
Project description

This network of infrastructure is part of the Lighthouse Program “Raw material solutions for a sustainable European Mobility industry”. The different projects in this lighthouse program on Networks of Infrastructure (NoI), and education are interlinked in order to create the optimal solutions to bring technology to the market. More specifically there are three proposals for NoI related to this Lighthouse Program e.g. body and chassis, e-energy and powertrain. They are respectively coordinated by Ghent University, Fraunhofer and Mondragon Cooperation which cooperate in all three of the NoI’s. The scope of this project spans the entire value chain for introduction of composite and lightweight alloys in the mobility industry. The target audience is especially the different industrial players that are active in this complete value chain. This spans from the raw material providers to component and end product manufacturers. Recycling is of course an important aspect and design and simulation services are also included. The targeted end application is automotive to start with. The networks to be set up and the expertise may also prove to be very relevant for aerospace, rail, shipbuilding, bicycle etc…. The main project activities are as follows. 
The project will start by inventarizing the available expertise and infrastructure within the KIC network. This has already been done partially during the writing of this proposal and bringing together the consortium but will be performed more in depth and expanded. 
Through in-depth interviews with potential clients of the network and exisiting (automotive) clusters demands for infrastructure, expertise and service offerings will be refined. After analysing this we will contact extra partners outside of the KIC to complete the offering. 
To facilitate access for services, general IP-guidelines, price settings, information about accessibility will be set up together with a communication plan. To guarantee the quality of the services offered a quality assessment plan will also be included. This will lead to a start up of the services and a view on the business plan and financial sustainability of the network. 
The contacts with the potential clients will lead to a view on short and mid-term projects that will be incorporated into KIC upscaling projects or H2020 projects.