
Patient oriented care now and in the future

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Other health sciences not elsewhere classified
    • Other medical and health sciences not elsewhere classified
Artificial Intelligence explainable AI personalized medicine goal oriented care
Project description

Health care should concern people. Therefore, the major aim of health care should be to achieve and sustain the health of individuals and society as a whole. As a consequence, the improvement of people as human beings should be central to all research and interventions. An holistic and individualized approach to healthcare can ascertain that each individual as well as society as a whole can flourish and achieve his/her lifegoals.

Therefore, our research line is intentionally holistic and interdisciplinary, and focusses on some (interdisciplinary) domains that can play a huge role within such an approach. The 3 big pillars are 1/big data, artificiele intelligentie and personalised medicine; 2/ goal oriented care; 3/sustainability of care