
Organic agriculture in West and Central java

01 December 2010 → 30 November 2015
Federal funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Soil sciences, challenges and pollution
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agriculture, land and farm management
organic agriculture
Project description

Intensive agriculture in Indonesia, notably paddy rice and vegetable production, uses massive external inputs and puts serious threats on the environment and on farmers' and consumers' health. There is very little research on sustainable farming systems, in particular organic farming, and universities are under increasing pressure of privatization. This project aims to establish strongly interlinked research groups on sustainable farming both within ISRI and UGM that can carry out scientific research at an international level. It also aims to investigate and optimize existing and new cultural practices in organic farming, tighten links between research, extension and farmers and facilitate certification of organic produce. This will increase organic farming production, this improving environmental quality, farmers' and consumers' health and farmers' income