
Training on scientific cruise planning, oceanographic sampling, fisheries and data management

12 April 2016 → 21 April 2016
Federal funding: VLIR-UOS
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Fisheries sciences
scientific cruise
Project description

The Kenya Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the West Indian Ocean (WIO) at large have been underexplored and marine resources are underutilized due to the lack of a permanente oceangraphic research vessel (RV). In 2013, the Government of Flanders donated RV Zeeleeuw, previously managed by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), to the government of Kenya to advance marine scientific research in the WIO region. Fisheries research for food safety, marine aquaculture development for food production and job creation, pollution and climate change are some of the themes identified as marine research priorities for the country. The Kenya Marine and  Fisheries Research Institute, as a centre of excellence in marine sciences in the WIO region, has been mandated to manage and operate RV Zeeleeuw. The presence of this research vessel opens a wide range of opportunities for the collection of much needed marine data and information in order to establish scientifically underpinned marine resource management and development plans. However, despite the enthousiasm of the Flemish and East-African marine scientific community, RV Mtafiti has not run any scientific cruises thus far. This is due to the fact that thechical and research capacity in the region is limited. Therefor, this training initiative is aimed at transferring the skills and expertise present in Flanders and accumulated over many years to the relevant parties in Kenya and de WIO countries, including KMFRI staff that will operate the vessel. After the training, participants will be able to act as scientific campaign leaders and run scientific cruises successfully onboard of RV Mtafiti. +This training is crucial to julpstart the deployment of RV Mtafiti and the advancement in marine sciences in the WIO region.