
Decision-theoretic foundations for classical and quantum probability

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
    • Functional analysis
    • Quantum theory
    • Systems theory, control
    • Probability theory
    • Computational logic and formal languages
algorithms Rational decisions Quantum theory Imprecise probabilities
Project description

Recent research done both in my group and elsewhere has shown that both quantum probability and classical probability derive from a common decision-theoretic framework that allows for partial specification and conservatve inference.

On the one hand, the mathematical aspects of his framework need to be developed much further, and its consequences for the foundations of quantum theory must be explored in greater detail.

On the other hand, the established common ground between classical and quantum probability leads us to suspect that existing tools for efficient inference under partial specification of probabilities in classical probabilistic systems theory (such as inference in imprecise Markov chains) could be carried over to quantum probability, and could allow there for more efficient and robust inferences than was so far deemed possible.

The project will pay attention to, and try to answer foundational and practical questions in both these research areas.