01 October 2008 → 31 October 2013
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
Natural sciences
- Applied mathematics in specific fields
- Computer architecture and networks
- Distributed computing
- Information sciences
- Information systems
- Programming languages
- Scientific computing
- Theoretical computer science
- Visual computing
- Other information and computing sciences
- Physical geography and environmental geoscience
- Soil sciences, challenges and pollution
Agricultural and food sciences
- Agriculture, land and farm management
pedotransfer functions
web-based application
hydrophysical soil properties
tropical soils
soil hydraulic properties
Project description
The existing soil database of Lower Congo will be digitised and transformed to a webbased application. The database will be extended with data on hydrophysical soil properties. The database is then used to develop pedotransfer functions (PTFs) to predict hydrophysical properties of Lower Congo soils. Scenario studies demonstrate how PTFs can improve land management planning.