
Characterize and evaluate the fine dust problems in the Flemish pig farms concerning occupational safety, health and general environmental health

01 January 2009 → 31 December 2012
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Ecology
    • Environmental science and management
    • Other environmental sciences
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural animal production
    • Veterinary medicine
fine dust
Project description

Recently it was by the Flemish Government, and also in the implementation of European directives, proposed a specific recovery plan for particulate matter. After traffic and industry is regarded agriculture as the main primary source of particulate matter, with livestock as the biggest player. Even the pig was stable through missions responsible for 6 to 15% of all particulate matter in the air Flemish. This share is sure to mention interesting but variable depending on the interpretation given and still based on theoretical emission factors derived mainly from foreign research. This brings the applicants immediately upon the general problem of this project, viz. The lack of practical knowledge of particulate matter in agriculture, and more specifically in the Flemish pig. In addition to the emission story is also vigilance is required in the stable. The stall is always the one hand, a workshop for the pig farmer and the veterinarian and on the other hand, the living environment of the pig. In relation to safety at work, fine dust matter, a regulated so that the practical conditions of forming a gap in the knowledge. On the impact of particulate matter on health is there anything known regarding the specific Flemish situation. This project will initially help eliminate the lack of practical knowledge outlined above by generating accurate and representative data that allow pieces to characterize the typical profile of particulate matter for the Flemish pig.