
Leg-O: Legumes - Indispensable in an agroecological cultivation system of humane foods

01 September 2022 → 31 August 2026
Regional and community funding: IWT/VLAIO
Research disciplines
  • Agricultural and food sciences
    • Agricultural plant breeding and biotechnology
Project description

The overall goal of this project is to increase the yield, quality and stability of three protein crops (field pea, field bean and red kidney bean) and thereby reduce the risks for the farmer. At the same time, the rotation is studying the potentially present positive effects of the protein crops on the follow-on crop (think of additional nitrogen availability after growing legumes). For this purpose, the cereal crops baking wheat, durum wheat and malting barley are sown out. The means to achieve this overall goal is based on the agroecological principle of strip cropping. First steps in chain development and extensive knowledge dissemination will also contribute to improved profitability for the farmer.