Social sciences
- Teacher training
- Vocational education, professional training, lifelong learning
More knowledge related to the design of powerful learning environments within technical and vocational education that combines input from schools and workplaces is necessary. Investing in the continuing professional development of the diverse profiles of teachers in these context (e.g. second career teacher, dual teacher) and their specific needs is crucial. This is not a task of the individual, but a team effort for which many partners are important: schools, workplaces, teacher education, professional development organizations, etc. This research proposal combines the model of Placklé and colleagues regarding powerful learning environments in technical and vocational education with the AMO-model. The latter explains how the functioning of employees (in this study: the professional development of teachers in technical and vocational education) is explained through their ability, their motivation and the opportunities that are offered to them. These theoretical frameworks guide us to investigate the training and professional development needs of teachers in order to realize powerful learning environments for their pupils. During this study, we take into account influential characteristics of teachers (and teacher teams) and the schools they work in. Moreover, an important focus is specifically on the use of external expertise from the workplace (e.g. through dual teachers and extended teams). We will also analyze the legal context in which school and workplaces operate. Next to the training and professional development needs of teachers in technical and vocational education, we also map effective training and professional development practices that can counter these needs (of course, also while taking into account the influential teacher (team) and school characteristics). This will lead to an overview of building blocks that form these effective practices. To answer our research questions, we use a mixed method design (combination of surveys, focus groups and interviews) that allows us to map and explain the variance in teacher characteristics, school characteristics, needs and effective practices. In a next phase, the building blocks of effective practices will be evaluated during a multiple case study in which good practice cases will be analyzed in depth. During the entire research project, there will be attention for valorization of our findings for practical use (e.g. a learning network, developing practical materials (e.g. an accessible report of the scientific literature, practical user guides) and professionalization initiatives). We will also formulate policy recommendations for several actors (e.g. policy makers, schools, workplaces, professional development organizations).