
Distributed Coordinated Access Point

01 July 2024 → 31 December 2025
European funding: various
Principal investigator
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Optical fibre communications
wireless communication
Project description

In this project, we aim to validate a low-cost Cell Free massive MIMO solution for ultra-reliable and low-latency wireless communication based on Wi-Fi technology. Our solution, called DCAP or Distributed Coordinated Access Point, is enabled by integrating distributed customized Wi-Fi 6 access points with the synchronous fronthaul technology developed in ERC ATTO. The following research innovations will be explored and demonstrated:

1. Accurate time synchronization of the distributed APs with the Bit-Interleaved Sigma-Delta-Over-Fiber Fronthaul Network (BISDoF) as developed in the ERC Advanced Grant ATTO (No.695495). This novel fronthaul solution uses low-cost commercial optical transceiver modules connected with multi-mode optical fiber and is hence way more cost-effective and flexible than coaxial cables. A time synchronization accuracy below 10 ps is targeted.

2. Low-latency operation of distributed APs by exploiting the new OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) feature in the Wi-Fi 6 standard and extending it with beyond Wi-Fi 6 and Wi Fi 7 capabilities in UGent-IDLab open full-stack openwifi prototyping platform, with embedded wireless Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) capabilities.

3. Full compliance of the highly customized APs with Wi-Fi 6 Commercial-Of-The-Shelf (COTS) clients.

4. Distributed beamforming by coherently combining Resources Units (RUs) from multiple distributed APs, thereby adding an extra degree of flexibility and scalability to the system, as different RUs (subsets of OFDMA subcarriers) in the same channel can simultaneously serve different Wi-Fi clients.


Besides the technical evaluation of the DCAP proof-of-concept, the project will also explore potential valorization opportunities. Valorization will be facilitated by an already existing IP portfolio and an established industrial advisory committee.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA). Neither the European Union nor the authority can be held responsible for them.