Social sciences
- Education, culture and society not elsewhere classified
- Social work not elsewhere classified
Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that all children have a right to leisure. Although a lot of research exists on young people's participation in (organised) leisure activities, we have little insight into how young people themselves experience their leisure opportunities. In 2023, through the JOP-monitor 5 and the JOP city monitor 3, the Youth Research Platform surveyed for the first time how young people aged 12 to 25 experience their leisure opportunities. Here, leisure opportunities refer to young people's opportunities to fill their leisure time, including aspects such as supply, accessibility, autonomy and safety. In this project, we want to examine (1) the impact of young people's socio-economic background on young people's leisure opportunities, (2) the extent to which this is related to young people's leisure participation, and (3) what role (local) leisure actors can play in realising the right to leisure of all young people.