
Modular sensor network

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Engineering and technology
    • Smart sensors
    • Modelling and simulation
Network optimization sensor wireless
Project description

Air quality, noise pollution, and electromagnetic radiation are regularly measured to ensure that health limits are not exceeded. These measurements provide a snapshot of human exposure at a specific moment but do not offer insight into how exposure varies between measurement intervals, which may result in missing certain exposure peaks. Moreover, they are typically very time-intensive as measurements must be manually conducted at various locations. Therefore, there is a need for a wireless monitoring network that provides real-time insights into exposure. A monitoring network consists of sensor nodes strategically placed in well-chosen locations. Since sensor nodes for air quality, noise pollution, and electromagnetic radiation share many common components, this project will develop a modular architecture. Additionally, algorithms for the optimal placement of sensor nodes will be developed to maximize the information obtained from the measurements.