
Scientific framework for the "reform of penitentiary health care in Belgium" program - 2024

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2024
Research disciplines
  • Social sciences
    • Orthopedagogics and special education not elsewhere classified
  • Medical and health sciences
    • Public health care not elsewhere classified
    • Mental healthcare services
    • Primary health care
Prison pilot projects substance abuse treatment primary health care
Project description

Scientific support, analysis and evaluation of pilot projects launched  with a view to practical and policy recommendations for a more adequate penitentiary health care.

Funded by RIZIV, the project is implemented by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from Ghent University: Department of Special Needs Education, Department of Criminology, Criminal and Social Law and Department of Public Health and Primary Care; Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Department of Criminology; Université de Namur: Département de Médicine; and Université Catholique de Louvain: Institut de Recherche Santé et Societé. 

In 2023, two pilot projects, specifically focused on primary health care and drug treatment in several prisons in Belgium were launched and implemented. The prisons involved are: Antwerp, Dendermonde, Ghent, Hasselt, Leuven Central, Andenne, Jamioulx, Lantin, Leuze and Haren in terms of drug assistance, and the prisons of Hasselt/Dendermonde, Haren and Lantin in terms of strengthening primary health care. The 5-aim principles (see are important principles in the design and implementation of the projects. 
In addition to these pilot projects, a number of other projects have also been launched, including a training program on addiction and mental health for various stakeholders (including project staff, medical services staff, correctional officers, etc.). 
The research focuses on the scientific support and evaluation of the above pilot projects (including the training program).

The research questions as formulated in the application are:
1. What are the results of the pilot projects 'primary health care' and 'drug care', including the training program, in terms of (a) quality of care provided by the medical service, (b) competences and knowledge of prison staff in the field of care, (c) patient or client involvement and satisfaction, and (d) health culture, policy and awareness within the prison, also taking into account the 5-aim principles?
2. What are good practices, risks and preconditions for good primary health care at the level of medical services, with particular attention to mental health and gender aspects ?
3. What are good practices, risks and preconditions for further improvement of drug care and this both at the level of medical services and external actors, with special attention to gender aspects ?
4. What are the most appropriate (in terms of cost-effectiveness and feasibility) financing models or mechanisms (in project mode and in structural mode) for quality penitentiary health care (e.g. in terms of reimbursement), what is the budgetary estimate, and what measures (including regulatory measures) should be taken to this end?
5. What are the policy recommendations to further align primary health care in prisons, with particular attention to mental health, addiction, and gender issues, with the 5-aim principles ?
The research will be divided into several work packages and will take place in the different parts of the country.