01 February 2020 → 31 March 2023
European funding: various
Research disciplines
Social sciences
- Law not elsewhere classified
Engineering and technology
- Electrical energy production and distribution
- Renewable power and energy systems engineering
energy communities
Project description
A succesfull take-off of Energy Communities (EC's) in the 2-Seas region. The new LEC-option in legislation gets adopted by the stakeholders, the market and energy consumers to create energy synergies and cooperation models. This will lead to unlocking extra potential of mid-scale sustainable energy (large solar PV, CHP, district heating, microgrids, storage, wind...) shared in the EC's. The acceptance and adoption of sustainable energy technologies increases with businesses, citizens and/or organisations. Carbon redudtion via more sustainable energy production.
- Knowledge building with 640 potential EC-stakeholders and decision makers reached with the knowledge platform
- 8 lighthouse demonstration projects throughout the 2-Seas region with a different scope.
- €30 MLN investments triggered via the lighthouse demonstrators
- 15.000 MWh renewable energy production per year by the 8 lighthouse projects
- 3.750 tCO2 savings per year by the 8 lighthouse projects
Role of Ghent University
Ghent University leads the work package that focusses on building up knowledge, tools and methodologies. These tools, models and services will be made available via a one-stop-shop (the LECSea Resource Database) to empower key stakeholders in the 2 Seas countries to set-up or facilitate ECs beyond the LECSea pilots. In addition Ghent University will produce a policy benchmark, with an overview of legal developments on ECs in the context of the “Clean Energy for All Europeans Package”, as well as a report on best practices and most prominent and reoccurring barriers for ECs. This report will serve as input for recommendations for a transnational policy framework. The inventory of barriers will be based on the outcome of interviews with the LECSea EC pilots conducted by Ghent University.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF. Neither the European Union nor the authority can be held responsible for any use the may be made of the information contained therein.