
Feed4Flex - Decision support for part FEEDing of FLEXible Assembly systems

01 October 2023 → 30 September 2027
Regional and community funding: various
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Operations research and mathematical programming
  • Engineering and technology
    • Manufacturing management
in plant logistics mixed-model assembly lines
Project description

When setting up an assembly line feeding (ALF) system, different line feeding policies, such as line stocking, boxed supply (Kanban), sequencing (JIS), stationary and traveling kitting, and different line feeding resource types (such as tow trains, conveyors, AGVs, AMRs) can be exploited to supply parts. At the strategic level, long term capacity planning decisions with a life span of three to five years are made. This includes the blue print of the intralogistics system, with possible investments in automatic kitting solutions, and vehicle selection and fleet sizing decisions. At the tactical level, parts are assigned to the feeding policies, vehicles and preparation areas within the limits of the available system capacity and ergonomic and safety constraints. These decisions ideally remain stable for a few months but can also be revisited sooner in a high flexibility environment.  

The goal of this Feed4Flex project is to develop a framework for robust strategic and tactical ALF cost-optimal decision making.  To validate the overall framework, discrete event simulation will be used.