
Unraveling the mode of action of the natural growth-promoting phenylpropanoid cis-cinnamic acid

01 January 2018 → 31 December 2021
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Plant biochemistry
    • Plant cell and molecular biology
cis-cinnamic acid plant growth and develpment
Project description

The natural compound cis-cinnamic acid has a remarkably strong effect on plant growth, and particularly on the roots. Recent results from our research explain this to be a consequence of the improper distribution of the plant hormone auxin. However, when applied at optimal concentrations we found that cis-cinnamic acid has a positive effect on the growth of different plant species. This specific characteristic proves the potential of this compound for use in agriculture, as it could increase plant production efficiency. A patent was filed by VIB, and several companies already showed interest in using cis-cinnamic acid as a plant growth-promoting compound. In this project, we want to test the growth-promoting properties of molecules with similar molecular structures to cis-cinnamic acid. The goal is to provide insights regarding the requirements of the molecular structure of cis-cinnamic acid to act as a stimulator of plant growth. In addition, this research will extend our set of bioactive molecules and could result in new molecules with higher activity compared to cis-cinnamic acid. In parallel, we will try to get an insight into the mode of action of cis-cinnamic acid-mediated growth promotion. This could lead
to novel, innovative strategies to optimize plant production.