
Synthesis and surface chemistry of mechanoluminescent nanocrystals for timely detection of damage

01 January 2018 → 31 March 2022
Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO)
Research disciplines
  • Natural sciences
    • Solid state chemistry
Project description

Composites are very popular materials for all kind of structures, such as windmills or airplanes, as a result of its exceptionally strong properties. However, even the strongest material is not eternal and we would prefer to detect damage before the material actually fails and causes a safety hazard. To monitor the health of these composite materials, we propose a novel sensor made of very tiny crystals, or nanocrystals, of manganese containing zinc sulfide. This material has a very special property which allows previously stored energy to be released as a light signal when it endures pressure, called mechanoluminescence. The first goal is to synthesize ZnS:Mn nanocrystals, by means of existing methods as well as a
novel method, allowing us to have full control over several important material characteristics, such as full yield and size. In the following two steps, we are investigating the optical properties and changing the size and composition to maximize its pressure to light response. Also, we engineer the outer layer of these tiny crystals to make them highly compatible with the composite materials in which we want to embed them. Finally, we investigate the response of these nanocrystals in their newly composite host structure on several stress and strain induced deformations.