01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
Medical and health sciences
- Cancer diagnosis
- Cancer therapy
early detection
Project description
Analysis of VOC’s for early detection of lung cancer.
Lung cancer is often diagnosed at a late-stage and has a poor prognosis (5-year survival rate: 17%). Survival rate is about 76 to 90% when LC is detected at an early-stage.LCC screening is therefore a major public health concern.In the near future, LC screening will be carried out by low-dose radiation chest scanner (LDCT-scan).
VOCs analysis in exhaled breath, using an electronic nose, has the potential to be a non-invasive diagnostic test. The challenge is to optimise the electronic nose prototype for it to be ready for tests performed under clinical settings.
3 goals:
- Make the electronic nose prototype suitable for use in hospital settings
- Evaluate electronic nose ability to discriminate LC patients from control population
- future integration of the electronic nose in LC screening programmes
Immunotherapy in mesothelioma (rare disease)
- understanding the pathological changes after immunotherapy
- resistance mechanisms on immunotherapy