Engineering and technology
- Data communications
- Automation and control systems
- Embedded systems
- Semiconductor devices, nanoelectronics and technology
- Computer vision
Adoption of currently available hyperspectral X-ray cameras (see 4.2) is hindered by poor software and readout hardware. This project aims at bridging the gap between the existing performant and userfriendly software IP developed at UGent and excellent sensor chips developed by third parties by developing a readout hardware platform exploiting the full capabilities of the existing software and sensors. This platform will contain an implementation of a technique developed at and patented by UGent, designed to enable production of large-area cameras at acceptable cost. This technique has been proven to work, but needs further development and miniaturization for valorization. The final goal is to take the existing software IP, patent, and the developed hardware into a service spin-off, aimed at providing sensor developers with a solution to commercialize end-product camera devices in a viable way to academic and industrial end-users. A more customized approach can also be provided to integrate hyperspectral sensors into production processes e.g. for quality control, and for companies integrating sensors into complete X-ray imaging systems.