Medical and health sciences
- Public health care
- Public health sciences
- Public health services
1) A systematic review and critical assessment of recent (<3 years) 'best evidence' cost-effectiveness studies of screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer in Europe. 2) Economic evaluation of during the preliminary phase of the proposed health conference preventiestragieën and actions to achieve these strategies, with a view to prioritizing organize screening for breast, cervical and colon cancer in Flanders. Based on further effective prevention strategies proposals from the literature (including actions to achieve these strategies) for organizing screening for breast, cervical and colon cancer in Flanders. These additional preventive strategies are fitted stated in the prioritization under Lot 2, part 1. 3) The third plot concerns the development of a model to study the effectiveness (efficiency) of the population for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer and the various related prevention strategies of to monitor the health conference and evaluate. 4) Developing a match funding for the organization of the population in Flanders