
Philosophical logic: study of reasoning and argumentation

01 January 2024 → 31 December 2025
Regional and community funding: Special Research Fund
Research disciplines
  • Humanities and the arts
    • Logic
    • Philosophy of education
    • Philosophy of language
adaptive logics argumentation theory practice oriented logic teaching study of reasoning philosophical logic
Project description

The requested basic funding will be utilized within the framework of (i) a new (interfaculty and interuniversity) collaboration in philosophical logic (with myself as "group leader") and (ii) a new UGent Fund (with myself as one of the founders). Both initiatives will commence in 2025.

Diderik Batens (UGent emeritus) is considering a donation to the new UGent Fund. The purpose of this fund will be to promote research in philosophical logic, specifically the study of (i) adaptive logics and (ii) practice-oriented logic teaching. If the donation is sufficient, the requested basic funding will be used to co-finance a PhD scholarship. Otherwise, additional resources will be sought within the new collaboration to recruit a PhD student. If this proves unsuccessful, a (part-time) postdoctoral researcher will be hired for a shorter period.